Early Childhood Screening ECS

Early Childhood Screening is a requirement by the State of MN before entry into Kindergarten between the ages of 3 and 4.

Watch this 5 minute video: for more information

    The screening’s purpose is to identify health, developmental and/or other factors that may interfere with a child’s learning, growth and development and to determine if your child is “Ready for Kindergarten”.

  • This free screening can identify if your child needs extra support before they start school, such as speech, vision, enrichment or in other areas.

  • Support is more effective before Kindergarten entry!

  • How do you know if extra support is needed now? Take time to make sure your child is screened.

Early Childhood Screening involves testing children in basic health and developmental areas:

  • Hearing, Vision, Height, Weight

  • Speech, Coordination, Cognitive Development (thinking skills)

  • Social and Emotional Skills

We will try to schedule ECS close to age 3 ½. Please RSVP when you get your appointment in the mail. Remember that this screening is geared to your child’s age. So don’t wait because you think they will do better when older. Screening on time will help them get extra support if needed before Kindergarten.

Ways to help your child become ready for Kindergarten

  • Attend a preschool for 1 to 2 years

  • Attend Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)  classes

  • Read with your child 15-30 minutes every day

  • Work with other resources as needed (what did screening recommend?)

Contact the Early Childhood Coordinator or the Elementary School to get on the ECS list.

Early Childhood Coordinator
Lindsey Long
Email Lindsey Long

Elementary School